Long-time listeners may be hard-pressed to forget our first foray into the exciting world of home plumbing, and if you're new to Popup Chinese you may want to listen to that show before exposing yourself to today's sequel, which picks where the last one left off. Our two protagonists now return home after a hearty lunch and turn their attention to the question we have left hanging all these three years: where did the plunger go anyway?

Learning Chinese? We're not sure if this lesson is a step up or a step down from its predecessor, which we've been told by multiple people has the distinction of being the most highbrow, lowbrow Chinese podcast in existence. In any event, we're certain you won't find the sort of thing we teach today in most or any textbooks, which is a pity since it is actually quite useful. In addition to covering some useful vocab for home cleaning, we also provide a useful reminder of why you should never let friends over to your house.
 said on
April 4, 2012
Vocab check: if 顿便器 is squat toilet [it is, right?], how do we say
 said on
April 4, 2012

It should be 蹲便器 (dun1bian4qi4).


 said on
April 5, 2012
Oh, what an embarrassing mistake.
 said on
April 6, 2012
又黄又黑。。。 又恶心又好笑! :-)
 said on
April 6, 2012

 said on
April 6, 2012
@Xiao Hu,

那你应该先听听我们的第一部,做好恶心的准备,到这个对话的时候就没那么恶心了 :P



 said on
April 6, 2012

别担心,it's not a very common word, so some Chinese people don't even know it. Now you know it better than Chinese people do :)


 said on
April 7, 2012






 said on
April 8, 2012
@Xiao Hu,

哈哈哈哈哈,好吧~ 我同意你的观点,每人的笑点真的不同,而且笑话不能解释!


 said on
April 9, 2012
@Xiao Hu& Echo,


 said on
April 10, 2012

 said on
April 10, 2012
@Xiao Hu,


 said on
April 20, 2012

When pronouncing "rag," Echo says "mo3 bu4" but mdbg also gives "ma1 bu4". Is one more common, or is this maybe a regional thing?
 said on
April 21, 2012

Both are correct. "Ma1bu4" is more like a northern dialect.


 said on
April 21, 2012
Thanks! Great lesson as usual.