For months after purchasing his condominium, Henry Martin found himself experiencing episodes of almost religious transcendence, as if another universe had brushed up against his reality and somehow distorted it. He felt that time had somehow dissolved and his apartment strangely belonged to another family whose presence could be felt but never seen or otherwise known. The entire episode lasted for weeks, and gave him a profound sense of dislocation, and an unsettling suspicion there was more to life than his five senses could feel or perceive.

Learning Chinese? Our intermediate lesson series at Popup Chinese is designed for students with at least two years of experience at the university level. At this level we accelerate towards native-level fluency with Chinese lessons that feature native-level dialogues around thirty seconds in length. So if you already speak some Chinese and are looking for a way to get even better, listen up and see how you do.
 said on
August 23, 2011
Thanks for the discussion on the adverbs guys. It was very motivating. :)
 said on
August 23, 2011


 said on
August 24, 2011

这节课断然,根本,完完全全,绝不符合我的要求,为什么呢?因为播客后面儿没加上,800-820-8820 这个客服中心的联系方式!泡泡中文的行政人员怎么对这么严重的这么恐怖的事情视而不见呢?谁写的剧本谁得被泡泡控惩罚咯!合适的惩罚这个问题,我却没有想好,可是当泡泡控们帮我想出适合罪恶的惩罚的时候我可以。。。哦,对了!我想起来了,先把罪犯的所有的剧本都收集起来然后让中文播客的所谓的演员把他杰作的每一句都要给详细地录起来然后给罪犯反复的听听听!这样的惩罚一定,肯定,确定,百分之百可以报仇雪恨!哈哈!善有善报,恶有恶报!

 said on
September 7, 2011
Thank you for all the entertaining topics, you make learning Chinese fun!