posted by missydelinquent on September 13, 2011 | 8 comments
Hi, has anyone encountered the same thing as me? Whenever I roll over the chinese text to see the han yu pin yin of the chinese character, it will appear like these symbols âãäæçêëîðñÃÅÆÂÃøþĀÐĘĚęĕŠŝŘő.
Is there any thing I can do to see those letters in proper hanyupinyin letters instead of those weird symbols. This is causing a lot of inconvenience for me :(
Any helpful advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
while we are on this sort of thing.. the words that get added to my flashcards are coming up as square boxes.. any ideas?
@missydelinquent,This sounds entirely new to me. This using the Firefox plugin? What version of Firefox are you using? And your OS -- Windows?@marksaka,Can you share your browser and let me know how you're adding them to your account (vocab page button, clicking on popups, using the Firefox plugin?) This sounds like an encoding issue, which is strange since if your browser supports the site it should be able to send the data correctly.Please share this data and I'll try to replicate the problem.
im not sure how im adding them.. but only 2 out of say 10 come up with the actual 汉字. i can also use everything else on the for my browser im using internet explorer 8. Version- 8.0.6001.19120
I am using mozilla firefox version 6.0.2 and OS is windows vista enterprise.. :)
I've print-screened some images for you to understand what I'm trying to say..
Is there a need to add another chinese application into my system? Or...? :)
Quick note that we've just upgraded our Firefox dictionary plugin. It is working much more reliably now and with an upgraded dictionary backend. If you've tried it in the past few months and been disappointed, please try again!
@trevelyan,When someone adds a definition/translation to the dictionary - is it just local, i.e. for that one user and/or does it get submitted for other people to use too? what not ....
@McNigeria,The dictionary has to be stored locally in order to keep lookup times fast. So all plugin edits are local and will only affect your browser.That said, we anonymously save edits in a review queue where possible and there is a somewhat convoluted process for incorporating them in the main dictionary that involves their passing a manual review and getting tagged for things like part-of-speech, etc. So there is no guarantee that any particular edit will go into the dictionary over time, but it is not wasted effort for those hoping to help.