Wall Street II
Our contacts at Maggie's tell us that when Oliver Stone put the finishing touches on the script that would become Wall Street II, he was somewhat drunk and equally distracted by the local nightlife. We're not sure that Zhang Yimou has the same excuse though, which raises the possibility that China and the West have somehow become locked in a game of cultural brinkmanship just to see who will blink first.

That said, even if you've been avoiding Chinese cinemas, our focus in today's podcast should still be useful. So join us for a fast-moving dialogue that reveals our underlying despair at the state of the world, but reviews a useful measure word for talking about the number of times you have done something from start to finish. This is a simple but elegant way to add more nuance to your spoken Chinese. We hope it comes in useful.
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I absolutely love, love, love your site/company. What you all have done with learning Chinese is absolutely wonderful, and deserves some type of Nobel Prize for language learning!  You have no idea how many years of boring textbooks I've been through, or maybe you do and that's why you've started this :-)
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Popup Chinese is a godsend
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The lessons are consistently full of win.... Both the dialogues and the explanations are entertaining and the language in them is very useful. So basically the opposite of using the conventional textbooks that have guided my first couple of years of studying Chinese.
-- Mark's China Blog
There are so many Chinese teaching websites out there, but 99% of them are pure junk, or actually harmful for learning Chinese.  I really hope good content like yours will pop out and last.  If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.
-- C.X., Chinese parent
I was amazed on my last trip to China, because I went to Taiyuan, where they say "pingr". I heard it first on Popup Chinese! The conversations on the site at first sounded slurred, but now I notice that that is the way people speak. I listen to my older teaching materials and they are slow and too perfect.
-- E.H., engineer
I've lived for 30 years and Popup Chinese is one of the few amusements that convinces me to delay death each day.
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I've learned more Chinese, learned faster, and had way more fun learning than I ever thought possible.... I listen so much so often that I can recite some episodes by heart and mimic the voice actor/actress by now (I'm still at the Elementary but these days I can somewhat follow along TV shows and radio, which before only sounded like an incomprehensible jumble of sound).
-- user na.1788
I'm really enjoying Popup Chinese... the authentic sound and pace of the dialogues - even the elementary lessons are spoken at the actual speed you'll hear people speak here, and loaded with kouyuhua.
-- Richard, PekingDuck.org
I've learned more Chinese in this one month spent on this site than the 10 months I spent "learning mandarin" in Shanghai 5 years back.
-- user the.koko
Your site is wonderful! I find your dialogs to be practical, inventive, and interesting. Furthermore, they present natural language, and are well-structured for teaching, with impressive execution (i.e. various voices, and necessary repetition for early learners). I can't say enough good things about your site. :)
-- Yanni (雅匿)
I'm writing to thank you for the one year scholarship to China that I've just received from the Confucius Institute. I'm a self-learner and have been studying with Popup Chinese as the main curriculum for about a year and a half. When I passed the HSK (level 3) or speak Chinese or write or read (or do anything with the Chinese language), my friends and family are always impressed, and especially by the fact that I don't go to any class and spent almost nothing learning Chinese.
-- Anna V.
I've listened to your podcasts way too much the past four months, and I've gone from not even understanding the absolute beginners to being able to keep up in the intermediate level podcasts. I am now living with a Chinese roommate at an American university, and get to practice Chinese with my neighbors often. They are all impressed with the speed at which I learned, with my pronunciation, and with my decent (and sometimes strange, 太监 anyone?) vocabulary. I can't tell you how many times they are impressed when I correctly use a difficult word, phrase, or colloquialism.

I have learned almost exclusively from Popup and Anki flashcards. I took no formal Chinese courses and until today, I had paid no money. But I'm subscribing today not because I need the extra features but because I am very grateful for your service. Sometimes my Chinese friends laugh at the strange podcasts, then they give it a listen, then they are envious and want a Popup English to help them learn English. :D
-- Joshua

Chinese Podcasts and Lessons from Beijing, China....

Popup Chinese provides world-class podcasts and tools for learning mandarin. Our approach is different from traditional "textbook-centric" learning methods, and has made us not only the highest rated Chinese podcast series on iTunes, but also the only Chinese learning program recommended by the heads of all four major Chinese immersion programs in Beijing, as well as by the most intensive language teaching program in the United States: the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California.

We teach Chinese because we love it, and developed Popup Chinese out of frustration at the infantilizing and simply unhelpful morass of Chinese learning materials available online. Our goal is helping people achieve real fluency in Chinese, so if you are learning Chinese, create a free account for instant access to our entire archive of Chinese podcasts, along with everything else you need to learn mandarin online: mobile apps, HSK test materials, Chinese study tools and much more.

Why should you trust us? Unlike most Chinese teaching resources, which demonstrate little understanding of what is challenging or interesting to non-native speakers, Popup Chinese is designed from scratch by native English speakers with native-level fluency in Chinese and strong interests in art, literature and popular culture. All of our testimonials are real and unsolicited: we've suffered through the same dry textbooks and ineffective classes you have, and built Popup Chinese to solve the problems we had learning Chinese. You can easily confirm this by searhing for independent reviews of Popup Chinese online, or reading our testimonials. In short, we can radically accellerate your time-to-fluency. So you should create a free account and get started.

Finally, you'll notice the lack of advertisements you may be used to on other sites: this is intentional. Although Popup Chinese is a free education company, we support ourselves by selling premium subscriptions which unlock lesson transcripts and dialogue-only recordings, while allowing you to download all of our audio files to your computer to listen whenever you want through your mobile phone or mp3 player. All subscriptions are backed by a no-questions-asked refund guarantee. So once you've explored our site and know what we have to offer, please consider supporting our efforts.

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